Wow....THAT was The Golden Compass? Ouch.

So, not to spoil it if you guys haven't seen it yet, but GC is rough.

Really rough.

If you've been following, it's freshness is somewhere in the low forties, and it's criticisms are very valid.

I won't give my full opinion here, but if others were to offer their criticisms, I would certainly proffer mine own.

Exciting news in the expanding business world of RM. JFD and I have gone halfsies on a domain here in the Intraweb. The website, which we hope to have up by February, will be a synthesis of recipes, my own small witticisms, as well as shameless advertising for the company.

So, be sure to keep an eye on in the coming months.

Also, since I don't endorse video piracy in any forms, I heartily suggest you all avoid I certainly wouldn't encourage you to take advantage of it's impressive library of online films and tv shows, nor would I recommend those of you who watch anime to explore its sister site, It's just not fair to all the gaffers and best boys out there.

Making himself a Betty Crock-ing Chair,

1 comment so far.

  1. Spelunker December 10, 2007 at 4:12 PM
    Thanks for the websites that you definitely do not endorse in any way, shape, or form. I'll be sure to stay away from them...

    As for website programs, you really can't beat Dreamweaver for professionalism. It can be a little pricey, though, and I think Microsoft FrontPage can be just as good in most aspects. Plus I think it's more user-friendly. Good luck with the site! The internet is a glorious place.

Something to say?