As Per Usual, My First Thought is Deep Blue Something....

My Friend Dave was in town today, and he has the hottest job in America since "The Sun's Bikini Inspector" was outsourced to Luxembourg.
He works over at Harmonix, the people who brought you Guitar Hero. The people who are currently responsible for Rock Band, which comes out in a few weeks. He had an advance copy and his XBox 360. I had two other friends itching to rock.

And Rock we did. Hard.

Despite the fact that the new Super Smash Bros. game trailer has replaced porn for me, and the high hopes I have for the new Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles, I am convinced that this is and will be the biggest multi-player game for the next gen for some time.

The game play is familiar to anyone who played Guitar Hero, yet inventive. The song selection, as always, was impeccable. And his hints that the game system would have a downloadable library on 360 Live down the road only made me pray that Breakfast At Tiffany's or Hey Jealousy could be downloaded and played by me and three friends, who I would eventually abandon to a mediocre solo career after years of infidelity and drug abuse.

Yes, it's THAT interactive.

Rocking in the Free World,

2 comments so far.

  1. mf November 5, 2007 at 10:45 PM
    Hey man,

    Rock Band is completely fantastic; I'm counting the days until I get my pre-ordered copy. I was an intern at Harmonix when they were working on the original Guitar Hero (in the credits, too!), and I'm interviewing for a full-time position this week, so maybe you'll end up knowing two guys who work there. Drop me a line if you pick up the game; we can rock a few tracks over Xbox Live.

    Oh, just so it's not creepy, I saw a link to this off of Facebook, and I enjoyed the Golden Compass letter, so you now have another subscriber to your RSS feed. No pressure.

    - Mike Fitzgerald (from DS)
  2. The Project November 6, 2007 at 9:31 AM
    Summer of 69? Pleeeeeeeeease?

Something to say?