Seriously, it's not an option

I demand DEBATE!

Ooodles, gobs, smorgasbords of DEBATE! I crave it! My soul needs competitive banter to survive! It becomes a shriveled pod of hate that was once the fruit of knowledge! DO YOU HEAR ME?! MY SOUL BECOMES A RAISIN!

To prevent this, I have raised a few subjects I would like some scholarly reflection upon:

Top 5 ' "Oh, this song is so lame!" and then you dance anyways' Songs of All Time

Top 5 Biggest Movie Letdowns (movie doesn't have to be bad, just not what you hoped)


Top 5 Comic Book Characters you think you could take in a fight

Let's go! You show me yuors, and I'll show you mine!


3 comments so far.

  1. Unknown May 28, 2008 at 9:06 PM
    I'm no good at most of these...
    but here are some songs I came up with that I didn't think about too much.
    • Sexy Back. I fucking hate that song. I ALWAYS dance.
    • Macarena
    • YMCA
    • Get Low
    • Bye bye bye

    And yes I admit to not really knowing songs that aren't pop or played at parties.
  2. The Project May 30, 2008 at 12:55 AM
    I'm gonna start with the comic book one:

    1:Mr. Fantastic. Seriously, dude, not that fantastic.

    2: Superman. Bear me out on this. Kryptonite is EVERYWHERE. EVERYONE has some. No way I couldn't score a half-ton.

    3: Blue Beetle. Seriously?

    4:Doctor Doom (do super villains count?) I bet I could take him, metal suit and all.

    5: The Leader. Remember him? Three swift kicks, curbstomp, squish, he's done.
  3. Nate June 2, 2008 at 10:29 PM
    My vote for top five lame super heroes:

    5. Spider-man. I mean, come on, dude, a radioactive spider? Why couldn't it be something COOL, like a Tiger or a Gadfly or something?

    4. Wolverine. Not as cool as his British counterpart, "Badger."

    3. Iron Man. Totally ripped off a Black Sabbath song.

    2. David Caruso. Despite what CSI: Miami might suggest, David Caruso is not actually a superhero. Do not be fooled!

    1. Batman. Biggest superpower is ability to announce own presence.

Something to say?